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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
People can strive to have a lot of power in this life but fail to realize that the power of a will goes beyond this life. With only 1/3 of adults having a will as part of an estate plan, many forfeit their planning and leave their hopes to chance rather than a plan. But where there's a will, there is a way. Will Power All that you have worked for in this life [...]
A Workable Solution for Baby Boomers Near Retirement
Worried about having enough saved for retirement? Here’s a simple approach: work just a few years longer. By accumulating more savings and shortening your withdrawal period, you’ll reduce the lump sum needed to generate the necessary income at retirement. Surveys show that most baby boomers plan to work in some capacity during their retirement years. The question is, should you keep working a little longer at your primary career (that is, delay retirement), or [...]
Tax Strategies that Leave No Regrets
Tax season is here, and perhaps we might be having recriminations over financial decisions made in the past year that could have relieved our tax burden. So, while we are in the moment, let's consider some strategies you can begin to put in place before the next tax year is upon us. There are several strategies you can consider to save on taxes when filing your federal tax return. Here are some tips: Maximize [...]
The beginning of a new year is always a wonderful opportunity to look back at how we handled our finances in the prior year and to assess where we want to go. To stay on track with your goals, you need to assess if your goals from last year were effective or if they need to be tweaked in the coming year. Below is a checklist for you to assess ten different areas that [...]
The Goodness of God at Christmas
Christmas is such a vivid reminder of the goodness of God—the celebration of God fulfilling His promise made hundreds of years earlier that a child would be born who would be both God and man and ultimately deliver His people from their sins and bridge the gap between God and man. As we come to the end of another year—no matter what this year has brought us, the greatest gift in this year and [...]
5 Ways to Steward Gratitude
The crisp fall air stirs and evokes cherished memories of holidays gone by as we anticipate gathering with loved ones. But every year, the holidays might look a little different, and expectations built on past celebrations can rob us of the present. There might be an empty chair at the table this year, or maybe circumstances this year have left you limping along to the holidays. It is easy to try to cultivate gratitude [...]